Seven tips for a stronger employer brand

Marica Portrait
Marica Rastad, Project Manager at ohappa
16 November 2023

For many companies, skills management is a significant and growing challenge. Competition for the best skills is tough. Therefore, building and maintaining your employer brand is increasingly important. In this article, we explore the benefits of a strong employer brand and give you seven concrete tips on what your company can do to become more attractive in the labor market. Ready? Let's go.

Why is employer branding so important?

Employer branding is fundamentally about how your company is perceived as an employer. It is your organization's reputation, feel, and identity as a workplace. So, what are the benefits of a strong employer brand?


Talent attraction

A strong employer brand makes attracting skilled employees who share your company's values and vision easier.


Reducing staff turnover

When employees identify with the company's culture and feel engaged, the risk of staff turnover is reduced. This saves both time and money.


Increased productivity

Employees are more likely to be productive and engaged in the workplace when satisfied and happy. A strong employer brand helps to increase employee motivation.


Increased customer satisfaction

Happy employees usually lead to a better customer experience. A positive employer brand has an indirect positive impact on the company's customers.


How can you improve your company's employer brand?

Strengthening an employer brand requires a long-term strategy, but the most important thing is to start somewhere. Here are our seven top tips:

  1. Define your company's employer brand.
    Start by defining what your company stands for as an employer. What are your values? What is the culture? The vision? These elements should permeate all communications and activities - both internally and externally.

  2. Tell your story
    Use storytelling to communicate your employer's brand. What is your passion? How do you work together? What problems do you solve for your customers?

  3. Offer more perspectives
    Through employee portraits, you open up more perspectives from within the company. You get to hear the employees' views on the organization and why they chose to work there. This creates a personal connection with potential employees.

  4. Working with employees as ambassadors
    Current employees are the best ambassadors for your employer brand. Engage employees in spreading the positive message of working for your company. Why not invite them to guest post on your Instagram account for a week each?

  5. Ensure your digital presence
    A large part of employer brand communication is now done digitally. Ensure your company has an attractive website and is visible on relevant social media channels. Regularly share employee portraits, company news, and your expertise.

  6. Focus on development and benefits
    A competitive salary and benefits package is important, but also development and training opportunities. Show that your company invests in your employees' future by offering regular courses, seminars, and training.

  7. Measure and adapt
    Continuous monitoring and measurement are essential to see how your employer brand evolves. Adapt the strategy as needed by acting on feedback from employees and candidates.

At a time when the competition for skills is getting more challenging, it can be crucial for your company to focus on strengthening your employer brand. By clearly defining what you stand for, telling an engaging story, and creating a culture that values and develops employees, your company will position itself as an attractive employer and ensure your long-term success in a competitive market.

Remember – a strong employer brand is not just about attracting talent but also about retaining and developing them for a better future.



Do you want help to improve your employer brand?

Get in touch!



Marica Rastad

Project manager

073-086 28 01

Anna Engman

Project manager

073-983 48 99

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