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The answer is yes —of course, you should start digital training. It works equally well whether you want to train your staff, resellers, part...
Today, talent management is on everyone's lips, and business leaders are increasingly aware of the value of a strong employer brand strategy...
We are pleased to welcome Olof Vestling as the new Chief Operating Officer at ohappa - a very welcome addition to our team. He brings solid ...
For many companies, skills management is a significant and growing challenge. Competition for the best skills is tough. Therefore, building ...
Sometimes, it all stops. The ideas don't appear, and the creative process stalls. Coming up with a new, smart, and unique marketing campaign...
A logo is a visual symbol used to represent an organization, company, product, or brand. Logos are essential to corporate identity and are u...
We at ohappa are participating in the CEO Day at the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm on October 4th. A good opportunity if you, as a CEO, want to t...
Yesterday, we visited Innovation Day 2023, organized by Propell in Hudiksvall. The day's theme was "A world in transition," focusing on AI a...
Have you thought about how great it is to have digital learning that you can easily do on your mobile phone? With Evercate's platform, this ...
"You have to expect that large assignments take time", says Ola Engman, CEO of ohappa, in an interview with the industry magazine Resumé.
Since 2022, ohappa has collaborated with the tech company Apptech, which develops web solutions, mobile apps, e-services, and platforms.
Today, Anna and Göran had a company visit in Stockholm. In addition to a rewarding meeting with an old faithful customer, we had the opportu...